The ‘Cunning’ Fairer Sex

The phrase fairer sex must have been coined by some novice who probably never understood the intricacies of the modern world. Now calling the fairer sex ‘cunning’ might have consequences, considering the fact that majority of the readers of my blog are girls & the fact that I still don’t have a girl-friend.

But I guess, I will boast my ego by acting gutsy & brag just one more time, the title of my blog (read-the iconoclast) & bring certain facts(read-not generalizations) in front of my readers.

With cunning, I mean clever & yes I also mean deceitful. But here, cunning signifies ‘crafty’. The fairer sex knows the art of manipulating the macho sex & this has been continuing for ages.
(Notice that I use Present perfect continuous tense.)The ironical thing is that we are just not ready to admit it. Obviously, one reason is our obsession with looks which continually makes us believe:
‘What are little girls made up of?
Sugar, spice and all things nice’

Amongst other reasons, well, I will revert back to the word crafty.Yes; they subtly craft the whole issue to make you believe that the matter is plain & practical. And because we already have given them the Godly status, we are forced to concede to their viewpoint. In the whole game, they have once again made a ‘popput’ out of men (Read-Boys, they still treat you like that, don’t they).
Now, one of my friend says:  'A girl can make a boy do anything’
I reply: ‘Yes, almost anything’.
He has handled variety when it comes to the fairer sex.
And I, well, I have observed & analyzed variety.And guess what, so far-so good.

The day men start using their brains before believing women blindly, we would have a peaceful world. Go down the history lane, & two epics come to mind; ‘Mahabharata’ and ‘Ramayana’.
What was the cause???...
And now I will get straight into your face:
How many times have you fought with your friends over a girl….
& when was the last time when your boss scolded you over confidential information leaked, courtesy the gorgeous girl in your Bay...
The fairer sex is made that way & the macho sex can’t live without them. AND if you, the boys, have the right to flirt, then they, the girls, have the right to manipulate.

So, here's the solution:
I’m a hard-core believer of street-smart ideas.Since, we can’t get around them or through them, let’s negotiate with them:
1)They are just girls, don’t give them the divine status.
2)Nowhere is it written that beautiful girls are simple, honest and kind. Stop
assuming it.
3)Girls are complex yet their behavioral pattern is predictable.So,use your head or else consult someone who has handled variety.
4)And please, for heavens sake, stop fighting with other people over girls. It shall land you nowhere.
5)Lastly, read the above rules atleast twice every month.We, the boys, tend to forget them, everytime we look at something close to 36-24-36.

After reading the above, sentiments are bound to get hurt, I know.But, India is a democracy. They taught me, you have the right to your opinion. Never mind, that we still keep coming on to streets over petty religious issues & show our liberalism by banning books and issuing fatwas.

The future will be less tense if girls are analyzed on the basis of past observations, which suddenly reminds me that tomorrow morning at 7,I have to teach tenses & it's already ten past two, so I better doze off.


  1. dr ys u hv a vry gd knowledge abt grls so dnt say that u dnt hv a grl frn.i thnk the message u wrtn here is becz of ur exp so....hv grl frn.....
    well any hw dr u r the master of writing and i appriciate ur thoughts and i lv to read.
    carry on mr sahil.

  2. Your 2-cents are a nice-analytical take on the issue. However, it's not just our first girl, but anything NEW (be it my new N97 or the first bike), which makes us compromise our time with the dear ones. This "infatuation" is generic and almost universal. It's just that one has to experience this "infatuation" real-time and see if one could still hold his anxiety-levels. For practical purposes, A print-out of the above points CAN BE an ideal-handy tool provided you could STEAL-THAT-MOMENT to refer to it when the nice-beautiful-fairer-sex is RIGHT in front of you and passes that unstoppable-lets-be-friends smile.

    Face it.. and let me know. We can take this research forward!!

  3. sure sir,,i appreciate that u have come with such a knowledgeable comment...

  4. Ever since Adam and Eve were sent down, We have been the sufferers of "Fairer sex"

  5. ahem..ahem..
    i smell mockery:)
    well..instead of the fairer sex being cunning how about turning the tables on the guys..for tempting the girls to ask for any favour?
    lest the fairer sex had been so innocent not to take benefit out of this..the guys would would have gone for a toss..:)

  6. Now, shivani ma'am says lets turn the tables..
    This is precisely the point that i was making in the blog.The fairer sex will make you believe that in matters concerning both of them,it is the boys who are at fault coz it's they who tempt the girls..
    Now,if only i could ask
    DO the GIRLS don't want that boys should tempt them???
    Plus it seems evident that our(boys) normal behaviour is also taken in the sense of pampering the girls...

  7. Wow... I really liked the 5 rules that you have written about Girls. But I think they should not be read twice a month. It can be like 2 times in a week.

    One more thing is that as you have written some FACTS about girls so I can't believe that you don't have a girlfriend. Infact, I can believe that you have an experience of lot of girlfriends.

  8. Hmmn, now i knew this would be coming.. Vishal sir says i have experience of lots of girl-friends...

    I'm not that UNLUCKY...

  9. i think that is a very 'male chauvinistic' way of putting things. guys are pretty headstrong and i dont think that a woman, even the most cunning, can make a man do something he dosen't will to do.
    talking of epics like 'mahabharata' n 'ramayana', none of it would have taken place if the men had kept their heads n their egos in the right place.

  10. I Wonder,why the word chauvinistic was not used for my earlier posts when the fairer sex was being praised..
    and as regards to the epics,well,we need to have a re-look to see whether it was coz of ego or the fairer sex..

  11. It seems from the text that you are having some personal grievances with the fairer sex. so you should settle that first and then look at the whole scenario again, your perspective will be surely changed. and i also agree with the people that it can't be true that you don't have a gf because you are having such a vast knowledge about the girls.

  12. Well,my argument remains the same.In my earlier posts i have praised girls.At that time time there were no problems but the moment i write something contrary,eye-brows are raised.
    So i would say let's be neutral while reading the above post.

  13. I have chanced upon this page and I am immediately confused by your use of the term "the fairer sex." By this I assume you mean the more beautiful sex. However, you have used this term to refer to females, who are certainly not.

    I suggest you review your usage of this term, and please reply if you have any further difficulty in distinguishing between the two sexes.

  14. Hello Sam, in colloquial the term fairer sex is used to refer to women,I'm not talking beauty, I'm just distinguishing men from women.
    I hope it's clear.
    If you still find it confusing do let me know.

  15. haha.. hey i really enjoyed reading dis! gosh u noe so much about girlz.. :-0 bt lemme tel ya dat every girl is not cunning! it dependz 4rm person 2 person.. but neway u've penned down ur thotz in a real nice way! loved reading dis! cheerz!! :)
    -- Teji

  16. I never said all girls are cunning. I just noted a pattern & expressed my views on it.

  17. Thanks Shruti,for taking out time & writing your views.
    Once again,I request all my readers not to take offense of this blog-post.I urge you to read the above with a neutral mind without having any prejudices against MEN or the writer of this post.May be then,you can realize the idea of the above post.

  18. Coming to the specifics of your comment:Shruti,if you or for that matter any other reader find usage of the word cunning as RUDE,then I would urge you to open & check its colloquial usage.
    Also,by writing "women r cunning coz men made dem like dat." ,you are proving my blog-post to be correct.
    As far as writing about girls is concerned,I write what I think my readers should be aware of.Also I write a lot of good things about girls as well,In-case that makes you happy. You may check:

    If you or anybody else has taken offense,please don't shy & express your view-points,I shall be more than happy to answer all your concerns.

  19. The guys' urge to handle variety as mentioned in the post makes me wonder what they want, the manipulative cunning fairer sex (read, not beautiful) or the straightforward fairer sex or just variety as their choices change with time.

  20. Thanks Anonymous for taking out time & reading..Although would have appreciated if you would have revealed your identity or at best...

  21. Nothing related to wants of the AUTHOR has been mentioned or alluded to in the article, so i will give your comment a pass :)
    Many thanks for reading & analyzing.

  22. U took it the other way. I am not mentioning or alluding author's wants. I just asked a generic question. Anyways its your wish if you want to give the comment a pass :)

    Many thanks for responding :)

  23. Dear Anonymous,
    Please be explicit with your question & i shall definitely make an attempt to answer your question.I still appreciate your analysis.
    Also, why are you circumspect about revealing your identity ?

  24. I am not circumspect about revealing my identity, but some questions are better left unanswered. Moreover anonymity arises curiousness, see you are also curious to know....

    Anyways, I was going through your blog, and your posts created a jinx in me. On one hand you have written about the cunning fairer sex which shows that you can beautifully handle them, on the other hand you talk about the rebel even for your sweetheart. Are they interconnected that your want of handling variety makes you a rebel? Or are they two different state of minds. Well I am not alluding authors' wants here but trying to ask whether the guys in general want the same. I hope you got my question now.

    In between, you have a beautiful way of expressing your thoughts. Hope to read many more pieces of creativity in the near future.All the best.....

  25. Thank You Tamanna for liking my Blog.
    It is not inter-connected. The author simply expresses that since he has handled variety (as in observed & analyzed them ),he is in a better position to pass an opinion about the fairer sex.The readers can always disagree though.
    A Rebel,in that poem, is defined as a person who exposes hypocrisies of society through the power of written word,hence HE exposed one related to a Sweet-heart.It should not be assumed that the author is referring to his own Sweet-heart,if in-case HE has one ;)

  26. Well Sahil, how can you say that I am Tamanna. Every anonymous post may not be from Tamanna.

    As so many have questioned about your sweetheart, may I ask do you have one?

    Well, I have a doubt how can someone express the hypocrisy to his sweetheart. I am confused between what you have written and what you are trying to explain.

  27. Well Tamanna,there is a WIDGET working at the back which tell me that you post from the same IP every-time.
    SO far as you doubt is concerned, READ the poem carefully.
    To you ONCE a sweet-heart, I claim to be a REBEL,meaning THE author no-longer considers her as his sweet-heart for reasons mentioned in that para...

  28. Hi Anonymous
    You have the right to your opinion.
    Thanks for taking out time & reading.

  29. POINT !! VITAL POINT...... This is just so true.... Maybe some of us guys need to keep these in mind so that our respect isn't compromised !! well formulated buddy...

  30. True...and I agree with u the fairer sex (I belong to a lil darker :) ) IS crafty...but more they are craftier ..better chances to be happy ever after.... and I'v witnessed few (b'coz mostly are cunning and crafty and lie unabashedly) cases where guys are the reason for the craftiness! See if they tell the palin truth...ppl just can't take it.. so the deceit.. and then it becomes a habit..... They portray themselves as brainy or not fussy, not egoistic, not demanding and a sacrificing lot ..b'coz ppl are expecting these from them and ARE happy to see them enacting the INDIAN version of devi or daanvi... nowhere they are accepted as human i.e. Maanvi... so the coy act. And i'm NOT in favour as pleased or not be yourself without ideal image fitting... but yes they are crafty and cunning and deceitful and a jealous lot ,sometimes even cruel and mostly lazy too .sigh!

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